The Power of the Spoken Word

How mindful are you as to what movies you watch, what books you read and to what music you listen to? How do they make you feel?

Since our reality is created by three things: by what we think and say, by what we believe and by how we feel, the spoken word and felt emotion of what we digest shapes what our reality will be like.

As we all know, we humans are powerful beings and we can attract whatever reality we choose.

Let’s focus on music.

Quite a number of years ago, I starting going through some of the music that is exposed in the main stream media to see what the lyrics really contain. Not too many lyrics passed the test of bringing about a reality that is wanted. More often than not lyrics focus on what is not wanted. Also, more frequent than not the person in the lyrics portrays himself a victim.

The realization that we humans are powerful manifestors of the reality we exist in and seeing in what state our main stream songs are in, made me start writing music myself. I want to contribute to songs that create a reality that is wanted. Songs that create states like joy, happiness, peace, compassion and belonging – all the states that are constructive and help making this world thrive.

The above realization also made me start writing new lyrics to existing songs. It’s actually quite an enjoyable task to have a close look at the lyrics to a song – any song – and then change the parts of it, that don’t resonate deep within. Parts that you don’t want to give your energy to. Change them into that what you prefer to bring forth.

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